A View of the Ideosphere

Welcome to the Doorway!

Still under construction --- Beware of loose boards!!

This is the doorway to a network of ideas, quotes, facts, speculations, articles, websites, poetry and what have you.
The important thing in here is not just the ideas themselves, but the often surprising connections between them.

Information Available:

Most recently added/updated page:

The Addendum, last updated 8/23/97.

Other suggestions for starting points in your exploration

Nowhere Man
A Lexicographical Addendum, that is, some new words and phrases to add to your vocabulary

Pile o' accumulated bookmarks

Disclaimer: I cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, decency and whatnot of any website I may point to.

To the Front Room of my Demesne


(Last updated 8/23/97) ah, this is way too much fun . . .