
The Rules of this Place . . .

. . . or is it a subnetwork of the ideosphere? A point of view? A skein of ideas . . .


The types of links you will find here

My color-coding scheme

Looping branches

Glossary of Unfamiliar Concepts

The types of links you will find here

As far as the content of the links is concerned, that could be just about anything, including perhaps matters not suitable for children and others who do not or cannot grok in fullness.

What I wish to bring to your attention is that the links vary in explicitness. Sometimes a link will take you somewhere that explains, defines or otherwise illuminates the meaning of the word or phrase at the beginning of the hyperlink.

Example of this type of link: the word "grok" two paragraphs up.

In other cases, the link will take you somewhere clearly related to the word or phrase at the beginning of the hyperlink, but perhaps the destination shows a new facet of the original idea, or gives the next logical step in a sequence, etc.

Example of this type of link: Go to "Others" from here.

The least explicit type of link (and of course, my favorite kind to travel along) is that wherein the connection between where you started and where you ended up is not at all clear, and it is up to you to make the connection. If you do not make the *same* connection between the two places or ideas as I do, so much the better . . .

A relatively simple example of this type of link: Go here.

More to come later about the nature of my links!!

My color-coding scheme

Looping branches

Looping branches

Glossary of Unfamiliar Concepts

At different appropriate times and places I will use words or phrases that are not a part of standard English, or at least are not well known. A list of these terms, with annotated definitions, can be found here.


(Last updated 7/26/96)