History and Purpose of the Doorway

History and Purpose of the Doorway

Sometime in 1995 I read a story called "The Originist" in the anthology "Maps in a Mirror" by Orson Scott Card. This story takes place in the Foundation universe created by Isaac Asimov. One of the main characters is an indexer -- someone who works in the indexing room of the Library. Essentially, the indexers spend all day making links between stories, documents, etc. that already exist. These links seem to function like hypertext links do today, and they are chosen by what seems to be free association on the part of the indexer.

Use of the Library's resources through this indexing system leads the other main character of the story to a potentially paradigm-shattering correlation. This is precisely the sort of thing that I love, perhaps the highest goal that I had in mind when creating the Doorway. However, there are other goals as well:

Judge for yourself. Comments are always welcome.


(Last updated 7/21/96)