My computer addiction seems to have taken many forms over these last years. For two years, I had the HONOR of co-editing /MSGs from the 40's, a monthly online magazine with Christuna, Twiceshy, and Fleep . I learned a great deal about publishing and editing (with helpful *nudges* pushing me to learn more of "that there grammer stuff" ). We all w*rked well as a team and even had some fun in the process. Christuna has done an INCREDIBLE job of creating magic with the webpage!!! I am very proud to have had the chance to w*rk with such wonderful people, including all the people who have contributed!

As part of /MSGs, I did a monthly column called "Virtually Anything- editorials and other passionate contemplations" While much of my commentary relates to internet culture, I enjoyed the space to put in *virtually anything*. =) Virtually Anything Archives

I also did a monthly column called "#Small_world." In that column I tried to look at intercultural communication and different customs of various parts of the world.

In the monthly feature of "Collective Muses" -- a showcase for creative endeavors". I wrote a novella called " A Whole Other Life" which you can find. Here are previous issues of the story for those that are interested in catching up on any missed parts of the story.

One of my adventures that continues to put a major sparkle in my eye and a tune in my heart, is a song I have written called "WORDS ON A SCREEN". We released it on Valentine's day of 1997.

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"A Whole Other Life"

"Words On A Screen"

/MSGs From the 40's