*Horses that live here at the QMR & friends horses*


This is "Beetle" the miniature horse and his friend "Muffins". Beetle is over 40....no one knows for sure how old he really is. He has no teeth and lives and stays nice and plump on a total diet of alfalfa pellets (soaked in water) and "Dynamite" vitamin supplements. He has been in the care of QMR for many years, still packs some kids around on occasion. He is quite content with his little fat sheep friend and where one is the other is sure to be close around.

Owned by the "Lawrence" family


Oh, we live at the QMR too, do we count??? We are only 2 of 14 QMR "kitties". We got dropped off like all the rest of us, then they spayed or nuetered us and feed and spoil us.....mmmm we like it at the QMR so much.

Top photo~~~~~~~Bottom photo
Velvet and Gunner belong to Zale Livengood from the Trail Riders L. They live in Kansas.
We met a long time ago on another horse list. Velvet's hair looks like gold in the lighting she's in...beautiful picture...and Gunner looks pretty relaxed tied to his tie post.