Here is the summary of my morning dogwalks from NW Seblar Terrace to the Pittock Mansion for the week 11/29 to 12/5/01. Species in ALL CAPS were neither seen nor heard the previous week. We did the walk 7 days this week. Species # days found (peak #, date) Canada Goose 4 (100, 12/3) COOPER'S HAWK 1 (1, 12/5) Accipiter sp. 1 (1, 12/3) MEW GULL 2 (2, 12/1) CALIFORNIA GULL 2 (3, 11/30) MOURNING DOVE 4 (2) Anna's Hummingbird 3 (1) DOWNY WOODPECKER 1 (1, 12/5) Northern Flicker 4 (2, 11/29) Steller's Jay 7 (7) Western Scrub-Jay 1 (1, 11/29) American Crow 5 (5, 12/3) Varied Thrush 7 (14, 12/4) Hermit Thrush 1 (1, 12/3) American Robin 6 (10) European Starling 3 (5) Red-breasted Nuthatch 5 (10) Brown Creeper 3 (4, 12/2) Bewick's Wren 2 (1, 11/29 & 12/3) Winter Wren 6 (5, 11/30) Bushtit 4 (25, 12/5) Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3 (3, 11/29) Golden-crowned Kinglet 6 (10, 12/5) Black-capped Chickadee 7 (15) Chestnut-backed Chickadee 4 (5) Pine Siskin 7 (55, 11/29) House Finch 6 (40, 12/3) Red Crossbill 2 (? heard only, 12/2 & 5) Fox Sparrow 1 (2, 12/3) Song Sparrow 7 (18, 12/2) Dark-eyed Junco 7 (30) "SLATE-COLORED" 1 (1, 12/2) Spotted Towhee 7 (6) Wink Gross Portland