Here is the summary of my morning dogwalks from NW Seblar Terrace to the Pittock Mansion for the week 2/15 to 2/21/01. Species in ALL CAPS were neither seen nor heard the previous week. We did the walk 7 times this week. Species # days found (peak #, date) COMMON MERGANSER 1 (1, 2/15) SHARP-SHINNED HAWK 2 (1, 2/19 & 20) SANDHILL CRANE 1 (1, 2/20) Band-tailed Pigeon 2 (2, 2/17) Mourning Dove 7 (8, 2/18 & 19) Anna's Hummingbird 6 (4, 2/19) Downy Woodpecker 5 (3, 2/20) Hairy Woodpecker 1 (1, 2/19) Northern Flicker 4 (6, 2/18) Pileated Woodpecker 1 (1, 2/19) Steller's Jay 7 (5) Western Scrub-Jay 3 (2, 2/16) American Crow 5 (4) Hutton's Vireo 3 (2, 2/19) Varied Thrush 6 (9, 2/18) Hermit Thrush 3 (2, 2/16) American Robin 7 (40, 2/17 & 18) European Starling 6 (8, 2/19) Red-breasted Nuthatch 6 (3) Brown Creeper 3 (2, 2/20) Bewick's Wren 1 (1, 2/19) Winter Wren 6 (4) Bushtit 4 (15) Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5 (4, 2/15) Golden-crowned Kinglet 7 (15, 2/15) Black-capped Chickadee 7 (25) Chstnut-bckd Chickadee 6 (15) Pine Siskin 7 (35, 2/19) House Finch 7 (35, 2/18) Townsend's Warbler 2 (2, 2/18) Fox Sparrow 5 (4, 2/18) Song Sparrow 7 (15) Dark-eyed Junco 7 (25) Spotted Towhee 7 (9) I hereby attest that, to the best of my knowledge, no neighbors (or lawns) were harmed in the making of this list. :^) Wink Gross Portland