Bird Photos


Superb Lyrebirds (Royal National Park, NSW, Australia, 9/18/07)


Harlequin Ducks (Barview Jetty, Tillamook Co., OR, 5/4/07)


Swirling Shovelers (Ridgefield NWR, Ridgefield, WA, 2/27/07)


Horned Puffin (Tierra del Mar, Tillamook Co., OR, 3/4/07)


Funky Junco (NW Portland, Multnomah Co., 11/4/05)


Curlew Sandpiper (Nehalem Sewage Ponds, Tillamook Co., OR, 10/18/05)


Tandayapa Hummingbird Feeder (Ecuador, Apr., 2005)


Hummingbirds of Ecuador (Apr, 2005)


Baltimore Oriole (.wmv video, Tierra del Mar, Tillamook Co., OR, 4/24/05)


Black-throated Blue Warbler (Bonneville Fish Hatchery, Multnomah Co., OR, 11/30/04)


Bohemian Waxwing (Mt. Hebo, Tillamook Co., OR, 11/6/04)


Northern Goshawk (Bonney Butte, Mt Hood NF, OR, 9/28/04)


Black-capped Chickadee singing "eastern" song (audio, Sauvie Is. Columbia Co., OR 4/16/04)


Birds of Sonora, MX (Mar 5-11, 2004)


Tropical Kingbird (Bayocean, Tillamook Co., OR 10/17/03)


Ross's Gull (Churchill, Manitoba, 6/27/03)


McCown's Longspur (Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, 1/8/03)


Pelagic Trip with “The Bird Guide”  (Lincoln Co., OR, 10/19/02)


Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Fernhill Wetlands, Washington Co. OR, 10/11/02)


American Golden Plover (Fernhill Wetlands, Washington Co. OR, 9/28/02)


Semipalmated Sandpiper (Nehalem Sewage Ponds, Tillamook Co. OR, 5/8/02)


