Erec and Enide Characters: Erec, a knight Enide, his wife King Arthur Queen Guinevere Two knights, (friends of Erec) Two robbers A Dragon Sir Scummy, a wicked count Narrator Scene 1 The court at Camelot: Narrator; Most tales end with a wedding, but our story begins with one; Erec (he waves) and Enide (she waves) are very much in love and King Arthur is happy to have his bravest knight marry a woman as beautiful and well-born as Enide. (Everyone crowds around Erec and Enide to congratulate them. Then all but Erec and Enid move to the side of the stage (grass) Narrator: Erec and Enide are very happy and spend all their time together, picking flowers, reading, playing games and so forth. But after a few weeks, Erics friends become worried about him. (the two knights come to Erec and take him to one side) Knight One: Erec, you never come out hunting and jousting with us any more. You spend all your time with Enide. Knight Two: Yes, what's wrong with you? You don't pay attention to us any more. You only do what Enide wants. You really are a weakling, taking orders from a woman. Knight One: Right! You used to be the best knight at Camelot. Now you're just Enide's servant. Narrator: Erec was hurt by what they said and he was afraid it was true. He thought about it a while and decided he would have to prove to everyone that Enide didn't order him around. So ..... (The court gathers again) Erec made an announcement. Erec: I am going on a quest and taking Enide with me. Knight One and Two: Oh no! Erec: But as of now, I am forbidding her to talk at all unless I tell her to. Then you'll all see that she doesn't control me. Enide: Erec! Are you sure you want to do this? Erec: I'm sorry, my dear, but it's the only way to prove I'm still a worthy knight. Narrator: So Erec and Enide mount their horses and set off on Erec's quest. (The court moves to the side and Erec and Enide pretend to ride down the road.) Narrator: After a while, Enide notices that there are two robbers lurking behind a bush at the side of the road. She wants to warn Erec, but remembers his command. If she disobeys and speaks, he'll think she doesn't believe he can act without her. If she stays silent, the robbers may kill him. Enide: (To audience) What should I do? (let audience answer) Narrator: As they came closer to the robbers, Enide could stand it no longer. Enide: Erec! Look out for the men about to attack you! Narrator: Erec hears her and draws his sword. He fights off the robbers easily. (Erec and the robbers fight quickly and robbers run off) Enide: I'm sorry, Erec, but I thought you'd be killed. Erec: You think I can't take care of myself? I'm warning you, don't speak again. Narrator: So the start off once more. The day is nice and bright and Enide happens to look up at the sky. Far above, she sees something large flying toward them. (Enide looks up, trying to see what the thing is. Dragon starts toward them.) As it comes closer, she realizes that it's a dragon. It looks like a hungry one, who could eat both of them and their horses in one gulp. What is she to do? Erec doesn't seem to notice the monster above them. If she warns him, he'll be angry with her but if she doesn't they'll both soon be dragon dinner. Enide: Should I tell him? (audience answers) Enide: I really think I must. Erec, dear? I believe a dragon is about to devour us. Do you think you could do something? Narrator: Erec looks up and sees the dragon. As it descends, he takes his spear and throws it down the dragon's throat, killing it. Enide: Well done, Erec! Erec: Enid! I would have seen the dragon sooner or later. You shouldn't have said anything! Don't do it again. Narrator: So Erec and Enide start off again. Just before sunset, they come to a wide river. There seems to be no way across. On the other side is a castle where they could get shelter for the night, if they could only reach it. Enide looks around and sees a raft tied to a tree a few yards away. Enide: We could take that raft across the river and spend the night in a nice soft bed at the castle. But Erec doesn't see it. He seems very angry every time I speak. What should I do? (let audience answer) Enide sighs. Enide: I would like a bath and a warm bed. Erec, dear sweet Erec, there seems to be a raft over there that we could use to cross the river. Shall we use it? Erec: I told you not to speak to me! But, since you did, we'll cross the river. But this was your last chance. Now I know you really do think you are the boss of me. When we get back to Camelot, I'm going on a quest all by myself and you'll never see me again. (They mime poling across the river) Narrator: At this point Enide was trying hard not to cry. In spite of his behavior, she still loved Erec. The reached the castle where they were greeted by its lord, Sir Scummy. (Sir Scummy meets Erec and Enide, leers at Enide) Sir Scummy: Welcome to my castle! Sir Knight, why don't you take your horse to the stable? Erec goes to see to the horses and Sir Scummy leads Enide into the castle. Scummy: What's a lovely girl like you doing with a loser like that? Enide: He is my husband, sir! And I'm very proud of him. Scummy: But you should have a castle of your own, and land and a husband who will treat you well. You should have me! Narrator: Enide is shocked by this but pretends to be interested, so that the wicked Sir Scummy won't throw both of them in his dungeon. Scummy tells Enide that when Erec is asleep, he will come in and chop off his head. Then Enide will be free to marry him. (Scummy mimes doing this) Enide nods, as if this sounds like a great idea. But when she's alone, she tries to think of a way to save Erec. Enide: I can't let that nasty Sir Scummy kill my Erec and I certainly won't marry him. But Erec will be very angry if I warn him again. What can I do? (let audience come up with suggestions) Enide (clapping her hands) I know! I wonder if they have a garden at the back of the castle. (she leaves and then comes back with a blanket. The cabbage is hidden inside. She puts the blanket on the ground with the cabbage still under it and sits on top of the blanket.) Narrator: That night, when everyone in the castle was fast asleep, Sir Scummy comes into Erec and Enide's room, carrying a sword. He swings at the head next to Enide, giving it a crashing blow. Enide screams (scream, Enide) But, instead of Erec's head, a cabbage rolls off the bed. Erec leaps out from behind the curtain and wounds Sir Scummy with his sword before he can strike again. Then Erec and Enide hurry off to their horses and ride as fast as they can for Camelot. (King Arthur, Guinevere and the knights and ladies come to greet them.) Guinevere: Welcome home, Erec and Enide. How was your quest? Did you find what you were seeking. Knight One: Yeah, does Enide now know you can think for yourself? Narrator: Erec looked at Enide and then gave her his sword. Erec: I did not find what I went looking for but something better. I know now that I have a wife who is as intelligent as she is beautiful and that only a fool would ignore her advice. She saved my life many times on this journey. From now on, Enide, I shall always ask your opinion before making decisions and I will rely on your common sense. Enide: I'll always give it gladly. Arthur: It appears that Erec had learned a good lesson, one that I have known for years. Wisdom is found in both men and women and we should not ignore good advice, no matter who gives it. Now, let us all celebrate the safe return of Erec and Enide! 1 1