Regional Drinking Water Supply Initiative

Participant’s Staff Draft Proposed Criteria

For Public Comment On October 18, 2001

The water administrators of the eleven participating cities and water districts that are analyzing the potential for the creation of a regional drinking water supply and transmission agency were tasked with:

Compiling and comparing key issues of the various participants in terms of what
they need in a new regional supply of transmission agency.

Developing criteria for a new agency, 

Researching various governance models in existence,

Comparing those governance models against the criteria,

Preparing scenarios of governance models to meet proposed criteria,

Preparing a report and recommendations for participating elected officials and the
public by late Fall, 2001.

Water administrators have spent several weeks developing criteria and thinking through the various aspects of the criteria that are proposed. A consensus of the water administrators believe any governance model to be created in the Portland metropolitan area should meet the Essential Criteria and meeting the Preferred Criteria is desirable, but not completely necessary. Please note: the numbering of the criteria does not indicate any priority order. Criteria offered for public comment before being submitted to participating elected officials are:


1. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will have responsibility to provide supply and transmission of all water to all members.

2. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will develop and protect sources in the Region that meet the planned for quality standards and quantity requirements.

The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will have a reliable supply of
water to meet current and future needs, with backup supplies to meet seasonal or emergency needs.

4. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will plan for and build capital improvements to meet all supply and transmission needs of the Agency.

5. Member agencies will turn over all of their water rights and supply and transmission facilities to the Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency.

6. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will be responsible for meeting state and federal water quality standards at the point of delivery.

7. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will use sustainable development
and best management practices in the use and protection of its water resources.

8. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will have the full and usual municipal powers provided under Oregon law, including but not limited to, the ability to set rates and charges, collect revenues, issue debt, hire staff and enter into agreements.

9. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will be an enterprise utility, obtaining its revenues from rates, charges and issuance of debt related to the sale and delivery of water.

10. Each member will appoint and have representation on the Agency’s Board of Directors.

11. Individual customers receiving water from the Regional Drinking Water Agency will have direct access to the Agency’s Board of Directors and to the elected public officials of the members.

12. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency is intended to be organized and operated to minimize duplication or inefficiencies resulting from separate supply ownership and management of supplies.

13. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will have the authority to expand its water utility responsibilities and services as agreed to by the members.



14. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency will participate in the programs and activities among the watersheds of its sources.

                15. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency shall make the most efficient and
                effective use of its water resources to meet the needs of its members.

16. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency shall be created under existing Oregon law.

17. Creation of the Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency shall not result in increased overall rates for water by virtue of combining infrastructure and operations. Expansion and improvement of services, increased regulation, and other factors may, however, result in increased rates in the future.

18. The Regional Drinking Water Supply Agency may contract for the sale of water
to non-member agencies.

                19. Water resource management strategies will be integrated.