Digressions & Diatribes

by Kort E Patterson, Editor

High culture? Elitist sophistry? No, even better!
Internet cartoons come to Port of Call!

Port of Call's website has attracted a bit of welcome attention! Daryl Cagle, who draws an internet cartoon called "True!" has offered POC the rights to include his cartoons on our website - for free! Unfortunately, the rights only allow the use of True cartoons in the on-line version of POC. (Print rights would cost money...)

The subjects of Daryl's cartoons are topical facts similar to the factoids already featured in both the printed and on-line versions of POC. The following are a sampling of captions from recent cartoons:

The Pentagon's recipe for brownies (document MIL-C-44072C) is 22 pages long and took 6 months and 175 work hours to prepare.

"Honesty tests" given to over 3,000,000 job applicants showed the "most honest" seeking jobs as busboys, dishwashers and waiters; the "least honest" were salesmen and engineers.

If you gut a small businessman, his intestines will stretch to about the length of the 202 volume Code of Federal Regulations governing small business.

Men burp 4.7 times per day. Women burp only 2.1 times per day.

The inclusion of dynamically updated cartoons provides a good reason for those of you who already receive the printed version to visit POC's website. A new cartoon is posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, so stop by often and enjoy!

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