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Wednesday, November 17, 1999

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FLEETING FAME hwy50zen's DOC eText Center was named November Site of the Month by PalmPower Magazine.

MOBILE ZEN If you have a Palm, Microsoft CE or wireless machine you can get Zen to go. On November 19th AvantGo will add ZENmotion, hwy50zen's mobile edition, to their list of channels. For more information check the DOC Center.
_________________________________________________ ON THE MENU

* The Five Reflections
* Verse of the Three Morsels of Food
CAKE  Prolonging the Music
* Satan is My Motor in My Motor Car available in tapeavailable in CD
Bushy says, "I can not get enough Cake."

* Keichu Makes Carts
Gateless Gate Case 8 translated by Koun Zenshin Yamada

* Woody Allen on eating it raw.

* For Thanksgiving make a free donation of food to feed the world's hungry people.

* Ikkyu says, "A friend of devil is a friend of mine."
Crow With Noh Mouth : Ikkyu 15th Century Zen Master

* Buddhist 'sound bites'..... R. H. Blyth & Longchenpa

___________________________________________________ ORIYOKI

I reflect on the work that brings this food before me; let me see whence this food comes.

I reflect on my imperfections, on whether I am deserving of this offering of food.

Let me hold my mind free from preferences and greed.

I take this food as an effective medicine to keep my body in good health.

I accept this food so that I will fulfill my task of enlightenment.

The first morsel is to destroy all evil,
The second morsel is to practice all good deeds,
The third morsel is save all sentient beings --
May we all attain the Path of Buddhahood.

Taken from Good Food from a Japanese Temple by Soei Yoneda Abbess, Sanko-in Temple

Take note cookbook fans, this wonderful book of 230 recipes for Western kitchens and embodiment of a 600 year tradition of simple yet elegant vegetable cookery is OUT OF PRINT. So if you see the hard-cover, snatch that jewel up! You might try Powell's Used Books. The paperback is still in print; retitled Zen Vegetarian Cooking.

___________________________________________________ CoCKTaiLs

i've got wheels of polished steel
i've got tires that grab the road
i've got seats that selflessly hold my friends
and a trunk that can carry the heaviest of loads

i've got a mind that can steer me to your house
and a heart that can bring you red flowers
my intentions are good and earnest and true
but under my hood is internal combustion

satan is my motor
(hear my motor purr)
satan is the only one who seems to understand

i've got brakes
i'm wide awake
i can stop this car at any time
at the very last second i can change directions
turn completely around if i feel so inclined

satan is my motor
satan is the only one who seems to understand

-Motor from Prolonging the Magic music and lyric by Cake


Master Gettan asked a monk, "Keichu made a hundred carts. If he took off both wheels and removed the axle, what would he make clear about the cart?"

If you can realize this at once, your eye will be like a shooting star and your spiritual activity like catching lightning.

Where the active wheel revolves,
Even a master fails.
It moves in four directions: above and below,
South and north, east and west.

_________________________________________________ FISH COURSE

I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick -- not wounded - dead.
- Woody Allen

_______________________________________ FEASTING WITH FRIENDS


What happens when I click on the <Donate Free Food> button? Does the donation cost me anything?

When you click on the <Donate Free Food> button, this registers with our computer server. The computer adds your food donation to the day's totals and sends you the <Thank You For Your Donation> page. This page shows you the name of the sponsor or sponsors who pay for your donation. There is absolutely no charge to you for the donation; it is fully paid for by the sponsors and is completely free for you.

How is the donated food distributed?

The donated food is distributed through the United Nations World Food Program, the world's largest food aid organization, with projects in 80 countries. They also work in conjunction with a number of other relief organizations. A list of many excellent relief organizations can be found on our Hunger Resources page.

_____________________________________________________ DESSERT

anybody can enter Buddha's world
so few can step into the Devil's
______________________________________________ HEARD AT TABLE

Thus we see that the all-important thing is not killing or giving life, drinking or not drinking, living in the town or the country, being lucky or unlucky, winning or losing.

It is how we win, how we lose, how we live or die; finally, how we choose.

We walk, and our religion is shown (even to the dullest and most insensitive person), in how we walk. Living in this world means choosing, and the way we choose to walk is infallibly and perfectly expressed in the walk itself.
- R. H. Blyth

Since everything is but an apparition, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter.
- Longchenpa(14th century Tibet)


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