You step through the door-less doorway into the kitchen.

It almost seems at first to belong to a different house. The kitchen is cooler, louder, more brightly lit, and smells of the outdoors. Three large windows are primarily responsible for all of these facts. The kitchen also does not have the "unfinished" look of the hallway.

A gust of salty air blows through the window over the sink, where I am filling a glass of water. With the wind comes the unmistakable sound of waves.

A radio --- seemingly transported here from before 1940 --- on the large table near you is the most likely source of the voice you heard a moment ago.

A large, brightly colored bird swoops in at a sharp angle through the single window in the south wall, passes you effortlessly and zooms down the library hallway behind you. Two more birds of a type you do not immediately recognize squawk and gesture from the sill. I hand you the glass.

Here, you look like you could use some.

Would you like to go for a stroll?

The kitchen is clean but not tidy: jars and bowls are out on the counters to either side of the sink, and other items are hanging from the ornate black metal handles of the many glossy brown wooden cupboards, peeking out from behind the red curtains framing the two windows in the east wall, sitting on the table, perched on the metal monstrosity that must be a stove and oven, in a colander in the sink, or hanging brassily from the ceiling. A large sign hangs on the wall in one corner.

(Last remodeled 12/8/02000)